Monday, January 25, 2010

Sighting above Bulawayo

There are numerous reports of objects being sighted by planes over Zimbabwe on one occassion above Bulawayo and 5 other towns in , Matabeleland
2 Hawk fighters (AF of Zimbabwe) pilots saw a very bright round object with a short cone above it. this was in 1975.

Zimbabwe UFO

 Back in 1985, a round object topped with a cone was seen by dozens of peopleover the skies of Zimbabwe. With pilots, air traffic controllers, andcivilians among the witnesses, that country turned to aeronautical expertsfor an explanation. Now, a year and a half later, Zimbabwe's Air CommodoreDavid Thorne sees no explanation in sight. "We have not been able toidentify the object," he says. "We have had to classify it as a UFO."Although he didn't personally witness the object, Thorne reports that "thecraft was spotted as it streaked over southern Zimbabwe. Then air trafficcontrollers watched it hover and tracked it on radar. 2 Air Force jets wentafter the object, and the pilots described it as incredibly shiny, reflectingthe colors of the sunset. Our estimates indicate that the UFO was travelingat twice the speed of sound. And when it got dark outside, we realized theobject was emitting its own light. Our pilots are completely reliable,"Thorne contends. "This cannot be dismissed as a plane, weather balloon, ornatural phenomenon."But UFO skeptic James Oberg has his doubts. "The evidential value ofunresearchable sightings in Zimbabwe is zero, however sincere the witnesses,"he says. "Besides, pilots are not always calm, dispassionate observers.They tend to perceive any visual stimulus in its most dangerous possibleconfiguration -- as another craft. That's a good characteristic of a safepilot, but not a good characteristic of a UFO witness." Oberg also points outthat "Zimbabwe is sort of on the edge of the civilized world in terms oftracking things that might cause this kind of UFO report -- like Russian and South African reconnaissance planes that, I'm sure, are flying over that air space."

Sighting Near Shabani

Date: August 17 1975

Time: 1800

Two men traveling near the Ngesi River along an isolated strip of road saw what appeared to be a bus shaped object heading towards town. The witnesses approached the object and noticed that the object was domed with large panoramic windows and black pillar type objects inside. Inside there appeared to be two human like figures, one seated and the other standing. The object emitted a very strong white light from inside. It suddenly turned a corner and apparently vanished into thin air.

HC addition # 1610Source: Cynthia Hind, UFOs, African Encounters

Some 1990 sightings

In July 1990 at Night in Harare, An unidentifiable object and its occupants were observed at close range.

On 23 November 1990 22:30 in the Vumba, a big silent cigar shaped object was observed in a residential area for over six minutes. No sound was heard. moving rapidly to the north, flame emitted from rear end. Had blinking and steady lights.

14 June 1991 at 20:50 Harare, Silent intense moon size blob lights ground blue color. Shoots away fast. An unidentified object was sighted, that had an unusual appearance or performance. One light was observed by several witnesses in a residential area for two minutes. No sound was heard.

On the same day , 14 June 1991 at 21:40 at Mazviadei Dam, north of Harare a small blue ball of light flies parallel to ground at low altitude (15m). Winks out. It was observed for over one minute.

2 August 1992 00:20 at Bromley, Dog reacts. Large moon shaped object with satellite lights, maneuver around and merge. Several balls were observed on a farm for 45 minutes.

14 September 1994 at 20:50 on a farm near Ruziruhuru, Silent nocturnal lights were seen to soar, maneuver, and turn at low altitude following the terrain. They were observed by 100 witnesses on a farm for 20 minutes. No sound was heard. this was two days before the Ariel School sighting.

6 March 1996 at 01:00 in Bindura, An object was observed. Ground traces (round footprints) were found. One white oval object, about 5 feet across, was observed by one male teenage witness in a residential area for five minutes. A clicking sound was heard.

In mid-November 1997 Harare, A silver disc was observed by two male witnesses for over one minute - at zenith, stationary 10 seconds, moving rapidly to the W southwest in 10 seconds until disappeared beyond horizon. Second disc appeared in original spot, witness distracted, when looked back it was gone.

In April 1998 in Harare, Zimbabwe

Football-shaped object appeared from nowhere 40m away, treetop level, passed over witness 20m altitude, unusual crackling sound, strange colors glowed at regular intervals, Exited to the south.
The multi-colored football-shaped object, about fifty feet away, was observed in clear weather by one male 18-year-old witness (Kanengoni). A crackling sound was heard.

Some 1980 sightings

23 March 1980 at 19:00 in Nyanga, a crescent hovers, emits beam of light, moves west into clouds. A hovering object was observed. One crescent-shaped object was observed by five witnesses in area for 30 minutes.

On 15 August 1981 at 18:30 north of Mutare a fireball rolls up over observation tower to lawn. three tall beings were seen they wore brilliant silver suits. Principal witness falls to knees.
An object was observed. Physiological effects were noted. One fiery fireball, about 10 feet across, was observed by a male witness in a pasture for five minutes (Muchena). Three tall beings, each wearing a silver suit, were seen. This is one of the first reports of beings being encountered.

In July 1986 at Chegutu, an odd cylinder with thicker center section and four "chains" hanging down was observed. by two witnesses on a farm for over one minute.

In October 1988 in Mutare, A blue-gray ovoid with spikes at 100m altitude. Whine, blinking lights. It was observed for over three minutes.

In 1969/1970s the sighting started again

In May 1969
Salisbury ( now Harare) An unidentified but otherwise conventional object was sighted. Nocturnal lights were observed by numerous witnesses.

30 January 1970 at 21:30 in Mrewa, Two policemen saw three oval metallic objects hovering near cruiser. Headlights went out, lights did not come on until 10 minutes after objects were gone.

Flying discs were observed. Electromagnetic effects were noted. Three metallic oval objects were observed by two experienced male witnesses (as reported to the police) in a city for ten minutes (Walthew).

On 18 March 1970 18:50
Between Salisbury and Belvedere, Salisbury, e objects were seem by several independent witnesses. three silver discs orbit black object. All flew off rapidly to the east.
Objects were sighted that had an appearance and performance beyond the capability of known earthly aircraft. Four silver discs were observed by three witnesses in the city for two minutes (Pink).

Then all appeared quiet until :

21 November 1972 09:30
Salisbury (Harare),
Flying discs were observed. Four discs were observed travelling in a straight line by a group of male experienced witnesses at a building.

19 December 1972
Salisbury (Harare), A hovering object was observed. One object was observed by five witnesses for a few seconds (Pullen).

During the next few months objects were observed over Mozambique.

And then on 31 December 1974 at 23:00 in Harare (Salisbury), a 40 feet diameter orange ball glows and pulses over shops. Shoots away.
A hovering object was observed. It departed by rapidly flying straight up until lost to sight. One orange ball, about 40 feet across, was observed by several witnesses in a city for five minutes.

Throughout 1975 more sighting occurred and were more frequent;

In February 1975 at 15:30 northeast of Mutare, Silver metallic disc tilts and wobbles. Up and away in flash.
A hovering object was observed. It departed by rapidly flying straight up until lost to sight. One silver disc was observed by more than three witnesses on a farm for over three minutes.

On 4 July 1975 at 13:00 in Salisbury (Harare), A daytime disc was reported in a residential area.

On 16 July 1975at 19:20 in Salisbury (Harare), An object was observed. Electromagnetic effects were noted. Animal reactions to the object were reported. An unidentifiable object was observed at close range and caused physical effects in a city.

26 July at 1975 in Salisbury (Harare),
An object was sighted that had an appearance and performance beyond the capability of known earthly aircraft. One object was observed by five witnesses (as reported to the police). It came within 500 feet of the witnesses.
Then in 26 July 1975 at 21:00 - northeast of Marondera, a 20m diameter disc follows a car for 20 minutes. Marine smell, heat, shoots up over town. This is thought to be a hoax but we lived in the area at the time and the people who reported it to us were very reliable members of the farming community.
An object was observed from a car. It departed by rapidly flying straight up until lost to sight. Physiological effects were noted. One disc, about 80 feet across, was observed by two male witnesses, typical age 54, on a highway for 20 minutes (Clark).

Again on 28 July 1975 around midnight between Marandellas and Rusape, Marandellas, An object was observed from a car. One object, twice the size of the moon, was observed by two male witnesses (Alexander).

28 July 1975 at night in Salisbury (Harare), .
A cigar-shaped object was observed by multiple independent witnesses. One cigar-shaped object was observed by two male witnesses, and reported to the police.

25 October 1975 in Hatfield, a Salisbury suburb - a helicopter sized disc flies over mission, bleeps, goes over Salisbury (Harare).
A flying disc was observed. One disc was observed by several witnesses at a mission for ten minutes. A bleeping sound was heard.

30 October 1975 at 20:30 between Sinoia and Salisbury, an extremely bright, violet glowing ball of light was seen hovering near the road. Made droning sound. It was observed by two witnesses, a married couple, at a mountain for over 15 minutes (Morris).

This was the last reported sighting for the 1970's

1954 sightings near Enkeldorn

In July 1954 12:00
Enkeldorn, Zimbabwe
An unusual object was sighted, that had unconventional appearance and performance. One object was observed by 13 witnesses in a residential area for five minutes.

In October 1954 at night - A flying disc was observed. One disc was observed by two witnesses

In November 1954 at night An unidentified object was sighted, that had an unusual appearance or performance. One object was observed by two witnesses.

It is interesting to note that in Zimbabwe a number of sightings have usually occurred over the country in a short space of time - these sighting are often of similar objects.

Near Mutare 1975

I have just come across this sighting near Mutare:
In February 1975 15:30 northeast of Mutare, Zimbabwe a silver metallic disc tilts and wobbles. Up and away in flash.
A hovering object was observed. It departed by rapidly flying straight up until lost to sight. One silver disc was observed by more than three witnesses on a farm for over three minutes. this was in broad daylight.